So I haven't been on NG lately because of this new job. I'm finally getting to put my audio and music skills to work as a DJ. Unfortunately, I also have to deal with the dumbest creatures in existence... strippers... fun to look at, painful to talk to. Anyway, I'm getting really tired of playing to same songs every night so if you have a track that you think would work great in a strip club, drop me a PM or something with a link to the track.
LOL nice sounds like a somewhat decent gig, i'm making some new song's i'll hit you up when im done?
Yeah, it ain't bad but the "music business" is fucking repugnant. Labels are generating millions by pushing the same crap down peoples throats for the past 6 months. I say fuck 'em and let some independent artists get their shit played in the club.
But yeah man, hit me up when you think you got a gem. If it's decent, I'll give it a play or two. If it's good, I'll play it till it croaks lol.